The best things in life usually cost the most. The highest costs are typically non-monetary for no one can put a value on the greatest treasures of life. One of those inestimable treasures of mankind is our freedom. History depicts the reality of the costs of freedom and we must not take for granted the reality that freedom is not free.
There is a saying in economic circles that “there is no such thing as a free lunch.” The idea is that even if you are partaking of a free lunch, someone, somewhere, paid for it. Either your friend or co-worker paid for it, or the restaurant paid for it, or someone else somewhere down the line.
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Freedom is a *very* complex multi-layed concept.
There are probably thousands of questions that can be asked about it - with few clear cut answers.
True there is lots one can say about freedom and lots that is still a mystery. My next post will also be on freedom -- a summary of John Locke's philosophy about it. That will post Monday.
karla said: True there is lots one can say about freedom and lots that is still a mystery.
yeah you said "few clear cut answers" that would mean there is much that is still a mystery -- unknown -- etc.
karla said: yeah you said "few clear cut answers" that would mean there is much that is still a mystery -- unknown -- etc.
That's not what I meant. I meant that any answers reached are debatable...
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