Monday, November 8, 2010


The world has experienced many ends since its birth, 2012 is no different.  Many life cycles have swept the world for a time. They meet their death and a new cycle, a new season is born.  For new life to come, the old must pass away to give way to it. 

The old that passes is not all that exists, but all that exist in an old paradigm.  The things that end are the things that are out of alignment with the new season.  It’s like a spiritual surgery of culture, systems, and people.  However, there will be those who hold on to the old and prevent the new from affecting their lives. They will not experience the ending and this will not be healthy for them as the new will be out of their reach as it will be beyond their sight. 

The cessation of the Mayan calendar in December 2012 need not be seen as the end of time, but the end of a time.  They could not see beyond into the coming years because something so fresh, something so new, something so amazing was coming.   The world needed to have an awakening to the coming of this end and beginning, thus, the calendar stopped with no explanation.  This created a world that is watching. 

It is possible the season would pass us by otherwise.  But yet we watch, wait, anticipate, and talk amongst ourselves of what awaits humanity.  This is not a time for panic, but a time for reflection and foresight to align oneself with what is being released in the new season. 

With any birth comes pain. Labor is involved. Preparation is involved. Holding fast to that hope of the new that is coming will help align ourselves with the forward season rather than allowing fear to keep us bound to the dying season. 

For those who are already seeing what is coming they can begin to walk in it now.  Others will do a fast adjustment and have a premature birth into the new.  This will cause some difficulties in transition, but the transition will come though they will have more growing to do on the other side than others.  Still others will be still born always living like the change never happened. The only affect of this change upon them will be negative rather than positive because it goes against their positioning instead of them riding its positioning. 

2012 does bring an end, but a good end. The change is already in the air.  It will not be the end of the physical world or of humanity.  But it will be an end of an age and the beginning of a new age for the world.  This is something to celebrate rather than to fear.  Good things are coming for those who have the eyes to see and the ears to hear.  


CyberKitten said...

End of the World...? [rotflmao]

Karla said...

Not the way I see it. Did you read it?

CyberKitten said...

Yes, I did.

Firstly, why 2012?

Second, you're talking about a *global* change.... a *global* transition..... in 14 months time. I think the odds for that are... slim.....

Karla said...

I see a change/transition being birthed not fully matured by 2012.

Why 2012?

I don't know. I just feel it is an important year. Not because the Mayans said so, but the whole world seems focused on that year and something coming.

CyberKitten said...

karla said: I see a change/transition being birthed not fully matured by 2012.

So 'something' new will start happening in 2012? When will we actually notice it if it does start? Will it be obvious?

Change is happening all the time of course so this will have to be something special to stand out - and be backtracked to 2012.

karla said: I don't know. I just feel it is an important year. Not because the Mayans said so, but the whole world seems focused on that year and something coming.

The *whole* world? That's news to me. I'll guess we'll see. If you *feel* anything more specific maybe you'll give us all a heads-up about it.

Michele said...

Interesting questions you ask - as always enjoy reading your posts. We all have our personal experiences & beliefs, but I do have to challenge you to check out an event coming up in the spring that I recently was introduced to. March 12, 2011 a simulcast called The Case for Christianity is taking place that will address the very question you have asked. Led by Lee Strobel (former Legal Editor of the Chicago Tribune) & Mark Mittelberg, all of the most avoided questions Christians don't like to answer or even discuss. Both are authors of extremely intriguing books, I encourage you to check them out as well as the simulcast in March. Definitely worth the time & worthy of the debate! Thanks again!

Karla said...

Cyber, you know how the Enlightenment has a time period designated to it by historians and yet we still experience affects of the Enlightenment on culture. It think it will be something like that as far as linking it to a time period.

I think the world will know. I don't know if there will be an event or events that will mark the time, but there certainly should be a noticeable change to culture and the mood of culture, if my thoughts on it line up remotely with what I think will be true.

Maybe we won't link it to that year until years later, or maybe it will be obvious or maybe I am totally missing it, but I see a shift already beneath the surface ready to be birthed so we'll see.

Karla said...

Michele, thank you for the invite. I am familiar with Strobel's ministry. I haven't kept up with anything new he is doing other than reading his books.

CyberKitten said...

karla said: there certainly should be a noticeable change to culture and the mood of culture..

Such as?

karla said: I see a shift already beneath the surface ready to be birthed so we'll see.

Would you like to be a bit more specific? It's pretty hard to discuss the topic when you're talking in generalities.

Karla said...

I would give more specifics if I had them. I wrote pretty much what I see about it.

CyberKitten said...

I have to say that I'm used to having more to go on before I think that there is a world changing event or series of events on the way!

Maybe you'll have more to say on the subject in 2012?

Karla said...

Well, I really wouldn't have you go on what I am saying, but on what you see. If you don't identify with what I have said then it is probably because you don't see it yet. I don't think there is going to be something concrete to point to at least until 2012. Again, nothing I said is emphatic, just potentially insightful only time will tell. It's not something I portend to know, it just kinda came to me. So we'll see.

CyberKitten said...

karla said: Well, I really wouldn't have you go on what I am saying, but on what you see. If you don't identify with what I have said then it is probably because you don't see it yet.

I see changes - but change is *always* occuring. Indeed the number and rate of changes has been increasing for some time as population grows, interactions increase and technology feeds more and more innovation into the various cultures around the world. Change is just about the *only* constant.

Saying that change is in the air is like saying that the sky is blue... True - but pretty meaningless really.

Karla said...

True change is always occurring. But I am thinking it will be analogous to The Enlightenment or the Renaissance or the Great Awakening. Something big.

CyberKitten said...

karla said: Something big.

But... If its something big - that can honestly be described as 'the end of the world' - how is it that you can't say anything more than "something big is coming"....?

Karla said...

I don't think "the end of the world" is accurate -- I think the "end of an age" is more accurate. I don't know when I will have more clarity as to what it will look like in the world.

CyberKitten said...

karla said: I don't think "the end of the world" is accurate -- I think the "end of an age" is more accurate.

But karla also said: The world has experienced many ends since its birth, 2012 is no different.

The second comment here - actually the 1st line of your post certainly implies the 'end of the world' I mentioned.

Even so, it's difficult to take any 'end of an age' comments seriously when you can't say (or won't say) what that actually means.

karla said: I don't know when I will have more clarity as to what it will look like in the world.

Which I read as being so nebulous as to be meaningless....

Karla said...

Cyber, my first line does make it look that way, but I go on to elaborate that I do not think the world is going to end, but that an age is ending and a new one is being birthed. I don't have more clarity yet on what I think is being birthed, I think it will be good, I think it will be akin to a great move like the Enlightenment or Great Awakening. But it won't be like those in content, it will be fresh. That's all I "know" right now and I say "know" ever so loosely and cautiously.