Both Christians and Atheists have different respective specifics to their worldviews. Neither group develops cookie cutter specifics with regard to various views about the world. Therefore, typically I try to stay to the general foundation worldview matters instead of the specific details of life views because if the foundational isn’t established then it’s putting the cart before the horse to establish specifics. However, I will answer questions about specifics when asked to the best of my knowledge.
Thus, when I use the word “standard” in context of the Christian worldview, I mean the foundational self-existent standard of God on which the existence and knowability of truth rest. I am not referring to specific details of what that truth looks like. I am not saying that the Christian church’s historical or modern teaching is the truth about all matters. I am saying that the very construct of truth must rest in the self-existing God for if there is no self-existing constant on which to know factual or moral truth then there is no truth to be known. However, I have never met or read of anyone who can live out the idea that there is no truth.
That idea of 'moral relativism' seems to becoming more common. That is, that there is no 'right' or 'wrong'. It is good to be flexible, but at a certain point this becomes ridiculous. Society seems to be moving in a lot of ways towards a pattern of living where there are no standards to live up to. And there are victims, because the abusers always find a way to take advantage of the system.
True this idea is prevalent today. However, I haven't met anyone who can live by that philosophy. At some point they appeal to moral certitude and justice regardless of societal ethics.
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